How to Link a Child to a Parent's Account
A guide on how to link or connect a parent to an existing child in your organization.
Chloe Hill-Huse
Last Update 3 năm trước
When you want to link or connect a parent to a child account there are a few steps that need to be taken first.
1. The child must have been registered by another adult with an email (primary parent/guardian)
2. You must have the primary parent or Guardian's email that they used to register the child.
1. The child has been added by an admin and linked to a parent (primary parent/guardian
2. In which case you must know the email the admin used to add the primary parent and child
STEP 1: The second parent must create a PlayyOn Account.

STEP 2: When logged in click on the arrow in the top right corner of the top toolbar (red circle).

STEP 3: Click on 'Settings'

STEP 4: on the left hand side click on Children Accounts and then click on connect children

STEP 5: Click on "Request Connection"

STEP 6: Enter the email of the Primary Parent or Guardian, and hit 'send request'.

The Primary parent or guardian will send a request to connect you to that child. They will receive an email notification. Then must log into their account to accept the Connection Request.

STEP 8: After the request is accepted you will have the child's name as a tab in your Settings > Children's Accounts. The child's schedule will show up in your calendar and you will be able to register and RSVP to games and practices on behalf of that child.